The Invasive Brown-Headed Cowbird
Stop The Invasive Brown-Headed Cowbird. Protect Our Endangered Native Birds From Nest Parasitism.

Robin eggs (blue) and a parasitic cowbird egg (spotted)

A Northern Cardinal (right) feeds a Brown-headed Cowbird chick (left)

Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, one of California's native endangered species, threatened by nest parsitism

Robin eggs (blue) and a parasitic cowbird egg (spotted)
The brown-headed cowbird is an invasive species to southern California that has aided in the endangerment of two of our native bird species: the Least Bell's Vireo and the southwestern willow flycatcher. Our goal is to prevent further damage to these species by reducing cowbird abundance and limiting accessibility to host nests. You can learn more about the cowbird on our website, as well as its impact on the Least Bell Vireo and the southwestern willow flycatcher.
We are proposing to reduce cowbird population size with a cowbird trapping method, as well as reduce the cowbird impact on host species through a livestock and habitat management method.
On our website you can learn the details of our management plan as well as historic management plans and their success.